
Common Questions

Translation Quota Consumption

Translated articles will be cached on your device and will not consume translation quota again, except in the following cases:

  • Manually selecting to re-translate, which includes screenshot translation, text selection translation, and other related manual translation features.
  • Current translation cache being cleared or expired.
  • Exiting reading before the translation cache is successfully established.
  • When switching typesetting modes, any sections that do not match perfectly might be automatically retranslated.
  • Logging in and reading on a new device, or using different types of clients on the same device.

Inability to Translate or Displaying Gibberish

  • Photocopied or scanned articles are just pictures, so they can’t be translated for now.
  • Text that looks like it can be selected but is really part of an image can’t be translated.
  • Some text might look weird or scrambled because of how the article is formatted.

Note: If your article isn’t showing up right, please hit the “Report” button to tell us. Thanks!

Mismatch Between Translation Quota Consumption and Current Reading Progress

The translation will keep up with your reading progress in real time. To ensure a smooth reading experience, it will preload a small portion of the upcoming content for translation. However, if you rapidly scroll or skip through the reading, some sentences or paragraphs may be skipped and not translated.

Translation Delay for Newly Imported Articles

For the best reading experience with interlinear translations, new articles have to be set up, which can take a few seconds to a few minutes. If you notice a delay, please be patient, or try reopening the article.

Translation might also fail due to:

  • Problems with your internet connection.
  • The article hasn’t finished uploading yet.
  • Trying to translate too much at once.
  • You’ve used up all your translation quota.