
Terms of Service

Thank you for choosing and finding out all about Scholaread (or “we”) and the products and services we provide. The following content is the Terms of Service (this “Agreement”). We will show you the content of this Agreement as comprehensively as possible. We hope you will take some time to check the terms of this Agreement.

We kindly remind you that please carefully read and fully understand the content of the relevant clauses in the Agreement, especially the contents marked in bold font. Once you start using Scholaread, you are deemed to have understood and fully agreed to the contents of this Agreement, including any modifications to the Agreement at any time. If you are not agreeable to any terms of this Agreement or the modified version offered by us, please do not register and use any service provided by Scholaread.

1. Acceptance of Terms

  1. The service of Scholaread (referring to Scholaread client and platform in this Agreement) provided will be implemented strictly by the Terms of Service.
  2. If you fill in the information according to the prompts on the registration page, read and click to agree to this Agreement, complete the entire registration process, or use some service content after logging in as a tourist, you will become a Scholaread user ( “user” or “you”), and Being bound by this Agreement, this Agreement shall become a binding legal agreement between the user and Scholaread.
  3. The user shall abide by the terms of this Agreement and use the service provided by Scholaread legally and reasonably, otherwise, Scholaread has the right to interrupt or terminate network service by this Agreement.
  4. The user confirms that when he/she completed the registration process and uses Scholaread, he/she is 18 years old, and in possession of full civil rights and full civil capacity. If the user does not possess such capacity, please read and judge whether you agree to this Agreement accompanied by your parents or other guardians, or the user should bear all the consequences resulting therefrom.

2. Scope of service

  1. Scholaread provides users with services including but not limited to the following: relevant information recommendation service, storage, reading, and sharing of articles according to your requirements. Unless otherwise expressly stipulated in this Agreement, any new functions that Scholaread adds or enhances to the current service are governed by this Agreement.
  2. You understand and agree that Scholaread’s services will be changed and updated, and Paid items may be available in the future.
  3. You understand and agree that Scholaread expressly disclaims any warranties or guarantees concerning the services, materials, or products, including but not limited to commercial use, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of the rights of others. Scholaread assumes no liability for any indirect, incidental, or other loss arising from services, materials or products, etc. Scholaread assumes no liability for timeliness, deletion, corruption, loss, incorrect transmission, non-storage, or any other problems concerning user information or personalized settings.

3. Account and Security

  1. Account Acquisition
  2. Currently, you can authorize your existing third-party accounts (APPLE and GOOGLE) to quickly log in, and this account is also your Scholaread account.
  3. To protect account and transaction security, we have the right to require you to conduct real-name authentication at any time and you shall cooperate. You agree to authorize us to authenticate you and obtain relevant materials required for your use of the service by verifying your identity, qualification, and other information with a third party.
  4. You can read as a tourist, but you will not be able to enjoy the full range of services offered by Scholaread.
  5. Account Security
  6. Please keep the third-party personal account name and password safe. The third-party account information is the only valid identification for Scholaread to identify the user. You understand that, unless specifically stated by us, such websites or services are not operated by us, and you shall judge the safety and availability of such third-party websites or services and bear relevant risks and liabilities at your own discretion.
  7. Any losses caused to Scholaread and any third parties by the use and loss of personal accounts by users shall be borne by the user. In the event of any unauthorized use of your Scholaread account or other security issues, please contact Scholaread and authorized third-party software immediately.
  8. Scholaread will protect user information through technical means, but despite the aforementioned security measures, users understand that there are no “perfect security measures” on the information network. Scholaread will not be held responsible or liable for the illegal use of the account and password by others due to hacking or inadvertent negligence in safekeeping. If the user finds any illegal use of the user account or the existence of security breaches, the user should notify Scholaread and the authorized third-party software immediately.

4. Warranty and Disclaimer

you hereby agree and undertake:

  1. Scholaread does not warrant:
  • The Services will meet your requirements;
  • The Services will always be uninterrupted, timely, safe, reliable, and error-free;
  • The results obtained from the use of the services will be correct and reliable;
  • Any information, articles, services, or other material you obtain through the service will meet your expectations.
  1. You understand and agree that any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the products and services is done at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for any damages to your computer system or loss of data that results in the download of such material.
  2. No advice or information, whether written or oral, obtained by you from Scholaread or through the Service shall create any warranty not expressly stated in this Agreement.

5. Users Compliance

  1. Scholaread and relevant obligees are the intellectual property owners of the content provided by Scholaread in this service. All copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, and other intellectual property rights of the software, as well as all information content related to the software (including but not limited to words, pictures, audio, video, charts, interface design, layout framework, relevant data or electronic documents, etc.), are protected by the laws and regulations of Singapore and corresponding international treaties, Scholaread enjoys the above intellectual property rights, except the rights that relevant obligees should enjoy by the law.
  2. We grant to the user a personal, non-transferable, and non-exclusive right to Scholaread-owned content. The User does not (and does not allow any third party to) copy, modify, adapt, create a derivative work of, reverse engineer, reverse assemble, or otherwise attempt to discover any source code, sell, assign, sublicense, grant a security interest in or otherwise transfer any right in the Software.
  3. When you discover security weaknesses and suspicious events, you should report them to Scholaread promptly, and you should not try to verify security weaknesses privately.
  4. Scholaread may retain links to third-party websites or websites. Access to these links is at the user’s discretion. Please note that while we aim to provide accurate content, we are not responsible for and we do not endorse, support, or guarantee the lawfulness, integrity, adequacy, accuracy, or reliability of any information, data, opinions, pictures, statements, or suggestions displayed by or linked by the Webpage. Scholaread provides these links only for convenience, but not promotional or advertising purposes.
  5. You understand and agree that any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the products and services is done at your own discretion and risk, you will be solely responsible for any claims, requests, or losses related to a third party arising out of storing, reading, uploading or sharing on Scholaread. You shall also be liable for the compensation of any losses caused to Scholaread.
  6. You understand and agree that, if you violate any prohibitive provision of laws or regulations, infringe the legitimate rights and interests of others or the public interest, Scholaread may delete certain contents or even terminate your access to your account by laws or regulations, or this Agreement and its relevant provisions. If you cause any damages to Scholaread based on the aforementioned reasons, you shall be liable for compensation. The amount of compensation shall include, but be not limited to any claim, suit, action, demand, damage, debt, loss, cost, or expense (including litigation costs and attorneys’ fees).
  7. If you violate the Universal Copyright Convention, the Copyright Law of Singapore, the Trademark Law, the Patent Law, the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, and other laws and regulations related to intellectual property rights or this Agreement, you shall be solely responsible for the consequences to others (including Scholaread) shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility.
  8. Due to the international or borderless nature of the Internet, you understand and agree to abide by all local laws and regulations on online behavior and content. You specifically agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the transmission of information exported from Singapore or your country or region.

6. Privacy and Data Collection

Protecting the security of your personal information is not only a legal rProtecting the security of your personal information is not only a legal requirement but also a basic principle that Scholaread has long adhered to. Based on the original intention of providing better services, we will conduct limited tracking of your data and share it with the authorized third party. Relevant data and other information about the user retained by Scholaread will be protected by relevant laws of Singapore. Scholaread will collect, store, use, and disclose your personal information by the laws in Singapore, this Agreement, and the Scholaread Privacy Policy.

7. Limitation of Liability

  1. Scholaread may modify the content of its services or suspend, or terminate its services.
  2. Due to the particularity of online services (including but not limited to server stability problems, malicious network attacks, or situations beyond the control of Scholaread), you agree that Scholaread has the right to suspend or terminate part or all of the service at any time, without liability for any interruption of service within a reasonable time due to such circumstances.
  3. Given the particularity of computers and the Internet, Scholaread would need to suspend the service for a short time when configuring and maintaining the server, such a situation shall not be deemed to be a breach by Scholaread, and we assume no responsibility for this.
  4. Scholaread reserves the right to suspend or terminate the services to the user hereunder at any time, without liability to the user or any third party, in any of the following circumstances:
  5. The user violates laws, regulations, or breaches this Agreement;
  6. Third-party account provider terminates the cooperation with us;
  7. Force majeure.
  8. You agree that Scholaread may suspend or terminate your service (or any part of the service), and removes or delete any content you have in your account immediately without prior notice at its own consideration, including but not limited to Scholaread believes that you have breached this Agreement. You agree that Scholaread shall not be liable to you or any third party if the use of the service is interrupted or terminated or your account and related information are canceled or deleted.
  9. The use of network services is at your own risk. The Service System does not guarantee uninterrupted service, nor does it guarantee the timeliness, security, or occurrence of errors.
  10. You understand and agree that Scholaread will make its reasonable commercial efforts to maintain your data stored in the Software and Services safe, but Scholaread cannot guarantee that your data is absolutely safe, including but not limited to the following circumstances:
  11. Scholaread is entitled to decide at its discretion the longest period of data storage in the Software and Services for each user according to the actual situation, and allocate the maximum space in the server for data storage of the user and so on. Please back up relevant data in the Software and Services on your own according to your own needs;
  12. If the service of login, registration, data synchronization, and content viewing is unstable, or the paid service is interrupted within a reasonable time due to an unstable network signal, small network bandwidth, etc., the risk shall be borne by the user;
  13. Scholaread has no backup obligation. Once the relevant data in the Software and Services are lost, the user shall bear the corresponding loss, and Scholaread shall not bear any responsibility for it;
  14. If you stop using the Software and Services or the services are terminated, or canceled, Scholaread can permanently delete your data from the server. When the services are stopped, terminated, or canceled, Scholaread is not obligated to return any data to you.
  15. You understand and agree that when using language translation or related services, we will use generative artificial intelligence models to process your input content. You acknowledge and understand that we are neutral technology service providers, and the basic principle of this service is that the machine automatically learns from a vast amount of data and generates output results. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the results produced by using this service are not manually organized or edited. The content generated by generative artificial intelligence algorithms may not be entirely true, accurate, rational, or complete. You should independently judge the reasonableness, accuracy, and completeness of such content, and this content is for academic and research use only and is not recommended for commercial purposes nor does it represent any position of our company. We do not guarantee the accuracy, functionality, rationality, completeness, or legality of the generated content or output results, nor do we bear any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or inappropriate expressions in the generated content or output results. You should bear all responsibility and risk for using the generated content or output results. If the use of generated content or output results, and/or their public dissemination, causes infringement or any other legal liability, as well as disputes, litigation, or arbitration resulting in any losses, these will be borne solely by you.
  16. You understand and agree that in using language translation or related services, we provide no guarantees or warranties for the accuracy, reasonableness, completeness, position, or legality of your input, uploaded content, and/or output results. You alone bear all responsibility for any consequences arising from the aforementioned content.
  17. You understand and agree that Scholaread’s compensation under any circumstance shall not exceed the membership fees (if any) for the month in which the loss occurred, or the total paid fees of the project corresponding to the loss incurred by the user. We shall not be liable for any indirect, punitive, special, consequential, or derivative losses (including business losses, revenue losses, profit losses, data losses, commercial credit losses, or other economic benefits losses) due to any reason, even if we know they are possible. You acknowledge and agree the disclaimers and limitations of liability expressed in this Agreement are fair and reasonable.

8. Changes to this Agreement

  1. We are constantly innovating, changing, and improving our service. Scholaread has the right to modify the Terms of Service when necessary. If you continue to use our service after the changes become effective, you will be deemed to have accepted those changes. If you do not agree to the changes, you must end your relationship with us by ceasing to use Scholaread’s service. Any amendment, variation, or modification to this Agreement you purport to make shall not be binding on us.
  2. Except for direct modification to this Agreement, any statements, notices, warnings, and other contents made by Scholaread in various means (including, without limitation, web bulletins, e-mail) shall be considered as a part of this Agreement. If you use such Scholaread online services, you shall be deemed to have agreed to such announcements and notices.

9. General Terms

  1. You understand and agree that we may terminate this Agreement without bearing any liability for breach by giving you 15 days written notice (including website announcement).
  2. You understand and agree that in the course of using the Service, you may encounter force majeure factors (force majeure refers to unforeseeable, unavoidable, and insurmountable objective events), including but not limited to natural disasters (such as floods, earthquakes, typhoons), government actions, wars, strikes, riots, large-scale power and network failures, server failures, etc. When force majeure occurs, our company will strive to repair it in a timely manner as soon as possible, but for any suspension, interruption, termination of service, or any losses caused by force majeure, our company is exempt from liability within the scope permitted by laws and regulations.
  3. The “Scholaread Privacy Policy” published by Scholaread is an effective part of this Agreement. Please review these Terms, and our policies and instructions, to understand how you can and cannot use the services. You must comply with these Terms when you use the services and only use the services by applicable law.
  4. The establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Singapore (excluding conflict of laws). Any form of disputes or claims related to your use of any services of Scholaread shall be submitted to a court of competent jurisdiction where Scholaread is located (unless otherwise agreed).
  5. You will have no claim against us for anything which is not explicitly set out in these Terms. If we fail to enforce any provision of these Terms, it will not be construed to be a waiver of any rights.

The right of final interpretation of Scholaread is vested in the copyright owner, Astronet Technology PTE LTD.