
User Purchase Agreement for Scholaread Professional Version

Updated on: March 29, 2024

Effective Date: March 29, 2024

Welcome to Scholaread Professional Version (the “Service”), developed, operated, and solely owned by Astronet Technology PTE LTD (“the Company” or “we”). The Scholaread Professional Version User Agreement (“this Agreement”) is a contract between you and us, setting forth the terms and conditions you must comply with when accessing and using (the “Use”) the Service. For the purposes of this Agreement, “you” refers to the user of the Service.

This Agreement constitutes a legally binding agreement between you and us. To better serve you, please carefully read, understand, and comply with this Agreement before purchasing the Service, especially the provisions regarding the exclusion or limitation of liability, license grant, service use, applicable law, and dispute resolution. The important provisions involving the exclusion or limitation of liability or concerning your significant interests will be highlighted in bold for your attention, and you should pay particular attention to them.

How to Purchase Scholaread Professional Version?

1.1 You can purchase Scholaread Professional Version through visiting the official Scholaread website ( to complete the purchase of a monthly or annual membership.

1.1.1 When purchasing the Service, we offer continuous renewal payment method, while the billing cycle for the Service includes monthly and annual charging models (as determined by the purchase page). If you choose to pay, it means that you agree: (1) You are obligated to pay for the Service no later than 6 hours before the payment due date displayed at the time of purchasing the Service (hereinafter referred to as “payment date”);  (2) Any payment information you provide is true and accurate; (3) We have the right to retain payment information and payment methods, all debit and credit card information submitted by you and your issuing bank or applicable payment network; (4) We have the right to use the specified payment method to charge you for the fees of the Service based on the information you provided and saved in your account before the applicable payment date.

1.1.2 You understand and agree that your payment will be processed through a third-party payment service provider, “Stripe”, and such payment may have applicable additional terms. Any dispute arising from the foregoing third-party payment terms are not our company’s concern.

1.1.3 You agree that your payment guarantee and our right to receive payment include your obligation to pay any applicable taxes or other fees for the paid services you purchase. You will bear any refunds and any reasonable collection costs we incur due to your failure to make timely payments (including but not limited to any fees that banks or payment platforms may charge or any channel fees).

1.1.4 Once purchased, you will become a Scholaread Professional Version user (hereinafter referred to as “User” or “You”) and be bound by this Agreement, which will take legal effect between you and Scholaread and become a legally binding document for both parties.

1.1.5 Upon your subscription, you will enjoy a 2-day free trial of the Service. At the end of the trial period, payment will be deducted from your chosen payment method.

1.2 Price Changes

1.2.1 We reserves the right to modify the pricing of the Service.

1.2.2 The latest pricing is based on the purchase page. If you have already purchased the Service, you can check the latest pricing at any time by going to “Manage Subscription” on the Scholaread website.

1.2.3 If you do not agree to the new prices, you need to cancel the automatic renewal before the fees for your next billing cycle are deducted. After successfully canceling the automatic renewal, your paid service subscription will be changed to a free account service on the day your current billing cycle ends.

Your Account

2.1 You can use the Service through the provided login options. Please protect your personal account information properly. You will be solely responsible for all legal liabilities arising from actions taken under your registered account, including but not limited to any legal liabilities resulting from account theft or loss. If you discover any unauthorized use of your account by a third party or any other security vulnerability, you should notify us immediately. Otherwise, you shall bear all legal liabilities and losses arising therefrom, including but not limited to those resulting from disputes, lawsuits, or arbitrations.

2.2 You promise and warrant that during the period of using the Service in the manner specified by the Company, you have the civil capacity commensurate with your actions as stipulated by the laws of Singapore. Otherwise, you shall bear all legal liabilities and losses arising therefrom.

2.3 When using the Service, you should ensure that you provide real, accurate, complete, and up-to-date identity and other relevant information. You agree to authorize us to verify your identity and qualifications by checking with third parties to obtain the relevant information needed for you to use the Service.

2.4 You can also access the Service as a guest, but you will not be able to use the complete services provided by Scholaread.

Order and Invoice

3.1 For this joint sales event, you can contact us 3.1 At the end of each billing cycle, we will send you an invoice via e-mail. You can view details of the Service purchased, the invoice number, the amount you paid and so on.

Canceling Automatic Renewal Subscription

4.1 You can cancel your automatic renewal subscription (hereinafter referred to as “subscription”) at any time.

4.2 When you’ve cancelled your subscription, you will no longer be renewed. You can still use the Service until your current subscription expires.

4.3 If you cancel your subscription or delete your account, you will not receive a refund for the fees you have already paid for the current subscription period, as the cancellation or deletion of your account will occur at the end of the current billing period. You can still use the Service until your current subscription expires.


5.1 The content and fees of the Service shall be subject to the contents and fees specified on the Scholaread official website. Scholaread reserves the right to modify or improve the existing services and fee rates based on laws and regulations, business strategies, and other reasons.

5.2 Scholaread offers a free version for trial. We encourage you to fully use the product functions before purchase to ensure that they meet your needs. The Scholaread Professional Version service is non-refundable once activated.

Term and Termination of this Agreement

6.1 This Agreement shall take effect upon your purchase of the joint sales product and shall terminate when you terminate the Service or when your membership is deactivated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

6.2 You have the right to terminate the Service at any time through your account settings, and we will cease providing the Service to you upon termination.

6.3 If you have authorized Scholaread to automatically renew and charge your account before choosing to terminate the Service, and you have not canceled that instruction before terminating the Service, the instruction will remain valid. Any fees charged by Scholaread based on that instruction will not be refunded, and you shall bear the relevant responsibilities and consequences.

Liability for Breach of Contract

7.1 If either party breaches the contract, the non-breaching party has the right to seek compensation through the dispute resolution method stipulated in this Agreement. In any case, the total amount of penalties and/or compensation we owe you shall not exceed the total fees you paid to us for using the Service in the 12 months preceding the dispute.

7.2 You and the Company shall resolve any disputes arising from the performance of this Agreement through friendly negotiations. If the negotiations fail, either party has the right to file a lawsuit with a court having jurisdiction over the Company’s location. The interpretation, validity, and enforcement of this Agreement, as well as other related issues, shall be governed by the laws of Singapore.

Other Provisions

For matters not covered in this Agreement, the Scholaread Service Agreement and Scholaread Privacy Policy shall prevail.